
On-Chain Legal Network Designed for Trust, Privacy & Authenticity of Data and Payments mediated by Human-Nodes & A.I.-Nodes.

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Onchain Attestation

Legally Binding

GDPR Compliant

W3C Standard

Eliminate The Middleman

Traditional legal software and document storage rely on centralized servers.
We eliminated the middleman entirely.

Zero-Knowledge Data Storage

Control your data with client-side reconstruction and MPC technology.

eSignature Proofs

Proof of signatures timestamped on blockchain with verification.

Smart Escrow Payments

Self-executing Smart Agreements that automate on-chain payments.

The Most Secure Web3-Native Document Sharing

Split, store, and share docs safely using blockchain and multiple nodes.
Your data's never been more secure!

Close deals 10x faster with our AI agent

Integrate our AI agent into your deal discussion chat to streamline communication and close deals 10 times faster

Generate a template for NDA agreement

Make a simple sales and purchase contract

Analyze my doc for accuracy

Legally Binding

Digital Signatures have the same stand standing as handwritten ones, and decentralized platforms can be better than centralized ones such as DocuSign or Pandadoc*

At IDsign, we understand the importance of complying with legal requirements for electronic signatures. The E-Sign Act, which was enacted in 2000, establishes legal requirements for electronic signatures and records to ensure that they are just as legally binding as paper documents.

*Read more about Ligally-Binding

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Your digital identity should be as dynamic as you are. Share what you want, when you want, with whom you want. Prove without revealing.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is idSign?

idSign is a groundbreaking solution providing a decentralized signature protocol and reusable KYC process. It leverages blockchain technology for transparent, immutable, and secure transactions while ensuring the utmost privacy and control over personal data.

How is idSign different from traditional digital signature providers?

Unlike traditional providers, idSign doesn't rely on centralized systems. It offers a decentralized solution for signatures and KYC processes. Its key differentiators include trust-less transactions, on-chain proof-of-signature, encrypted document storage, reusable KYC tokens, and Zero-Knowledge solutions.

What is a reusable KYC token?

A reusable KYC token is a blockchain-based digital token that represents a user's verified identity. Once a user completes the KYC process with idSign, they receive a reusable KYC token which can be used across various platforms, eliminating the need for multiple KYC processes.

What are idSign's subscription plans?

idSign offers diverse subscription plans - Free, Plus, Business, and Enterprise, each designed to cater to the varying needs of our users. The plans are designed based on document creation, upload limits, signature transactions, KYC levels, additional features, and support levels.

How does idSign work?

idSign allows users to create, sign, and store documents on a decentralized platform. It utilizes blockchain for its signature protocol, and IPFS for document storage, providing a tamper-proof, reliable system. The reusable KYC process enables users to verify their identity once and use it across different platforms.

How secure is idSign?

idSign places paramount importance on security. It uses blockchain technology for immutable, transparent transactions and IPFS for decentralized document storage. Additionally, our Zero-Knowledge solution allows identity verification without revealing sensitive personal information.

What is Proof-of-Signature?

Proof-of-Signature is a mechanism used in IDsign to verify the authenticity of a contract signed by parties. It is a tokenized proof that is stored on the blockchain and in the parties' wallets, indicating that they have agreed to the terms of the contract. Proof-of-Signature is an essential component of IDsign as it provides an immutable record of the agreement and helps to establish its legal validity. The tokenized proof is created using blockchain technology, which makes it tamper-proof and transparent. It can be easily verified by anyone on the blockchain, providing an extra layer of security and transparency to the contract signing process. By using Proof-of-Signature, IDsign helps to ensure that all parties involved in a contract signing process have a secure, legally binding, and verifiable agreement that is protected by the power of blockchain technology.

How can I get started with idSign?

You can start by signing up on our platform and choosing the subscription plan that best fits your needs. You will be guided through an intuitive process to create your documents, conduct KYC verification, and initiate your digital signature transactions.

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