
What is a secure wallet and how is it different from centralized exchanges. how to set up your wallet guide and secure your seed phrase. how to connect to idsign using walletconnect

Quick-Start Guide

What is a wallet?

A home for digital assets

A wallet lets you store, send and recieve digital assets like cryptocurrencies and NFTs.

One login for all of web3

Log in to any app by connecting your wallet. Say goodbye to countless passwords.

Your gateway to a new web

With your wallet, you can explore and interact with DeFi, NFTs, DAOs and much more.

To install a web3 wallet, you first need to choose a wallet that supports the multiple blockchain network(s). Some popular web3 wallets include TrustWallet, 1inchWallet, or MetaMask. Once you have selected a wallet, you can download it as a browser extension or mobile app.

To secure your web3 wallet, it's important to back up your private keys or recovery seed phrase on a peice of paper and store it securely in a physical safe since it is a unique code that gives you access to your digital assets.

its also important to note that while exchanges like Binance allow you to buy, sell, and trade cryptocurrencies, they are not considered wallets because you do not have full control over your private keys. When you use an exchange, your digital assets are stored in the exchange's wallets, which are controlled by the exchange. This means that if the exchange were to experience a security breach or other issue, you could potentially lose access to your digital assets.

Once you have your wallet set up You can click Connect Wallet on any decentralized website and choose your wallet or by scanning the QR code using walletconnect usually found in the settings page of your mobile wallet.

For more advanced users, you can buy a hardware wallet like Ledger or Trezor.

Step1: Set Up Secure Wallet

A cryptocurrency wallet is a digital wallet that allows you to store and manage your cryptocurrencies. It is essential to choose a wallet that is secure and reliable. One of the most popular wallets is Trustwallet, which is a mobile wallet that supports multiple cryptocurrencies. Trustwallet is highly secure and allows users to store their private keys on their devices, which means that the user has full control over their funds.

Step 2: Connect Wallet

A cryptocurrency wallet is a digital wallet that allows you to store and manage your cryptocurrencies. It is essential to choose a wallet that is secure and reliable. One of the most popular wallets is Trustwallet, which is a mobile wallet that supports multiple cryptocurrencies. Trustwallet is highly secure and allows users to store their private keys on their devices, which means that the user has full control over their funds.

Step 3: Upload and Encrypt Agreement

Using IDsign's Dashboard. You can create a new agreement, encrypt it, and send a signature request that is Token-Gated to the recipients only.

Contrary to other online centralized digital signature providers (such as DocuSign or PandaDoc), neither IDsign nor ANY affiliated member or employee regardless of their authorization-access level can at any given time gain access to users’s private agreements. Agreements are encrypted, split, and stored on a decentralized file storage blockchain and not on any centralized server. IDsign’s App and Protocol is a Zero-Knowledge System that allows users to store and share their confidential agreements on a decentralized file storage in a trust-less infrastructure. Only the related parties can access, download and decrypt the agreement file pdf. This ensures that Governments, Enterprises and anyone concerned that their competitive private agreement not be leaked can securely use IDsigns Protocol.

Step 4: Send Signature Request And Escrow Funds

Contractors can make sure that the funds are available and escrowed in an agreement on the blockchain verifying that the employer is serious and has the liquidity to pay for the service provided upon fulfillment of the services agreed upon.

Employers can make sure that their escrowed funds will only be unlocked upon service completion or else refunded! The parties can choose to add any mediator they know personally and invite them to become their 3rd-party mediator.

Setting-Up Secure Wallet

Binance, Coinbase, etc are NOT secure Wallets! If you don't own your private keys you don't own your wallet!

How to choose a secure wallet

Cryptocurrencies have become increasingly popular over the years, and as more people invest in them, it becomes essential to keep them safe. One of the most important things to consider when owning cryptocurrencies is how to store them securely. In this blog post, we will discuss how to choose a secure wallet and why it is better to avoid keeping your funds on exchanges like Binance or FTX.

A cryptocurrency wallet is a digital wallet that allows you to store and manage your cryptocurrencies. It is essential to choose a wallet that is secure and reliable. One of the most popular wallets is Trustwallet, which is a mobile wallet that supports multiple cryptocurrencies. Trustwallet is highly secure and allows users to store their private keys on their devices, which means that the user has full control over their funds.

Another great wallet is 1inch, which is a decentralized exchange aggregator that allows users to swap cryptocurrencies across multiple exchanges. 1inch also has a mobile wallet that supports multiple cryptocurrencies and is highly secure.

While it may be convenient to keep your funds on an exchange like Binance or FTX, it is not recommended. Exchanges are a centralized point of failure, and if they are hacked or go bankrupt, you may lose your funds. Additionally, exchanges are often targeted by hackers, and if your account is compromised, your funds may be stolen.

Instead, it is recommended to keep your funds in a secure wallet like Trustwallet or 1inch. These wallets are highly secure and allow you to have full control over your funds.

IDsign is a decentralized e-signature protocol that allows users to sign contracts and agreements using their blockchain wallet private key. IDsign is secure dapp, and your private key never leaves your wallet device, which means that you have full control over your funds.

To use IDsign, you can connect your Trustwallet or 1inch wallet using WalletConnect. WalletConnect is an open protocol for connecting decentralized applications to 3rd-party wallets like Trustwallet or 1inch. Once connected, you can sign contracts and agreements on IDsign securely.

In conclusion, it is essential to choose a secure wallet like Trustwallet or 1inch when storing your cryptocurrencies. Keeping your funds on an exchange like Binance or FTX is not recommended due to the risk of centralized failures and security breaches. With IDsign, you can sign contracts and agreements securely using your Trustwallet or 1inch wallet. So, make sure to choose a secure wallet and take control of your funds.

Once you have set up your wallet and backed up your seed phrase on a piece of paper you can proceed to the next step.

Connect Your Wallet

To use IDsign, you can connect your Trustwallet or 1inch wallet using WalletConnect. WalletConnect is an open protocol for connecting decentralized applications to mobile wallets like Trustwallet, Metamask or 1inch. Once connected, you can sign contracts and agreements on IDsign securely.

Step 1

Open IDsign dApp in your web browser and navigate to the IDsign dApp. Make sure the dApp supports WalletConnect.

Step 2

Click ConnectWallet in IDsign. A QR code should appear on your screen. Leave this screen open as you proceed to the next step.

Step 3

Open Trust Wallet on your device. Locate the menu or settings option within the app (usually represented by three lines or dots) and tap on it. Look for the WalletConnect option and select it.

Step 4

Scan QR Code Within Trust Wallet's WalletConnect screen, you should see an option to scan the QR code. Tap on it and allow Trust Wallet to access your device's camera. Align your device's camera with the QR code displayed on the IDsign dApp.

Step 5

Approve Connection After scanning the QR code, Trust Wallet should detect the connection request. Review the details on your device and confirm that you want to connect Trust Wallet to the IDsign dApp.

Step 6

Confirm Account Selection If you have multiple wallets in Trust Wallet, you may be prompted to select the specific wallet you wish to use with IDsign. Choose the desired wallet and confirm your selection.

Step 7

Interact with IDsign dApp Once the connection is established, you can now interact with the IDsign dApp using Trust Wallet. Depending on the dApp's functionality, you may be able to perform actions such as signing transactions, verifying information, or accessing specific features. Follow the instructions provided by the dApp to proceed.